E. Abdikamalov, P. Beniamini, Reverse and forward shock afterglow emission from steep jets viewed off axis, Submitted to MNRAS, Arxiv: 2502.12757, 2025
Shen, H., Esimbek, J., Henkel, C., Li, D., Zhou, J., He, Y., Tang, X., Wu, G., Komesh, T., ... & Berdikhan, D. Triggered and dispersed under feedback of super HII region W4. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, p. A21, 2025 (Q1).
Y. S. Abylkairov, M. C. Edwards, D. Orel, A. Mitra, B. Shukirgaliyev, E. Abdikamalov, Evaluating Machine Learning Models for Supernova Gravitational Wave Signal Classification, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 5, 045077, Arxiv: 2409.14507, 2025 (Q1).
E. Batziou, R. Glas, H.-T. Janka, J. Ehring, E. Abdikamalov, O. Just, Nucleosynthesis conditions in Outflows of White Dwarfs Collapsing to Neutron Stars, Submitted to Astrophysical Journal, Arxiv: 2412.02756, 2024
Zhang, W., Zhou, J., Esimbek, J., Baan, W., Tang, X., Li, D., ... & Komesh, T. Coevolution of Giant Molecular Clouds, Filaments, and Clumps as a Function of the Dense Gas Mass Fraction. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 275(1), 7. 2024 (Q1).
Tursun, K., Esimbek, J., Baan, W., Komesh, T., Tang, X., Wu, G., Zhou, J., He, Y., Li, D., Zhou, D. and Ma, Y. Comparison of NH3 and 12CO, 13CO, C18O Molecular Lines in the Aquila Rift Cloud Complex. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 24, Issue 9, id.095020, 11 pp. 2024 (Q2)
Y. Telman, E. Abdikamalov, T. Foglizzo, Convective vortices in collapsing stars, MNRAS, 535, 2, 1388, Arxiv: 2409.17737, 2024 (Q1).
Shen, H., Esimbek, J., Henkel, C., Xu, Y., Zhou, J., Li, D., He Y., Tang, X., Wu, G., Komesh, T., ... & Berdikhan, D.. Extended CO (1–0) survey and ammonia measurements towards two bubble regions in W5-Feedback on molecular gas and clumps. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A140. 2024 (Q1).
Zhang, W., Zhou, J., Esimbek, J., Baan, W., He, Y., Tang, X., ... & Komesh, T. Kinematics and star formation of hub-filament systems in W49A. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 688, 19 pp. 2024 (Q1).
A. Bissekenov, M. Kalambay, E. Abdikamalov, X. Pang, P. Berczik, B. Shukirgaliyev, "Cluster membership analysis with supervised learning and N-body simulations", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A282, DOI:, arXiv:2407.19910, 2024 (Q1).
Bu, J., Esimbek, J., Zhou, J., Komesh, T., Tang, X., Li, D., He, Y., Tursun, K., Zhou, D., Imanaly, E. and Sailanbek, S. Calculating the Excitation Temperature for H2CO Absorption Lines in Molecular Clouds. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Volume 24, Issue 7, 4 pp. 2024 (Q2)
Komesh, T., Garay, G., Henkel, C., Omar, A., Estalella, R., Assembay, Z., et al. Infall Motions in the Hot Core Associated with the Hypercompact H II Region G345.0061+01.794 B. The Astrophysical Journal, 967, 15, 10 pp. 2024 (Q1).
Berdikhan, D., Esimbek, J., Henkel, C., Zhou, J., Tang, X., Liu, T., Wu, G., Li, D., He, Y., Komesh, T. and Tursun, K. Ammonia observations of Planck cold cores. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, A144. 2024 (Q1).
A. Mitra, D. Orel, S. Abylkairov, B. Shukirgaliyev, E. Abdikamalov, Probing nuclear physics with supernova gravitational waves and machine learning. MNRAS, 529, 3582, arXiv:2310.15649, 2024 (Q1).
T. Askar, A. Yergaliyev, B. Shukirgaliyev, E. Abdikamalov, Exploring Numba and CuPy for GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo Radiation Transport, MDPI Computation, 12(3), 61, 2024 (Q2)
C. Pastor-Marcos, P. Cerda-Duran, D. Walker, A. Torres-Forne, E. Abdikamalov, S. Richers, and J. A. Font, Bayesian inference from gravitational waves in fast-rotating, core-collapse supernovae, Physical Review D, 109, 6, 063028, arXiv:2308.03456, 2024 (Q1).
Mahmut, U., Esimbek, J., Baan, W., Tang, X., Zhou, J., Li, D., He, Y., Tursun, K., Li, J., Komesh, T. and Sailanbek, S., Formaldehyde observations of the Perseus Molecular Cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(1), pp.577-595. 2024 (Q1).
A. K. Nurmukhanbetova, V. Z. Goldberg, A. Volya, D. K. Nauruzbayev, G. E. Serikbayeva, and G. V. Rogachev, R-matrix analysis of 22Ne states populated in 18O(α,α) resonant elastic scattering, Phys. Rev. C (2024) (Q1).
Gulnur Akhtanova, Yerassyl Yerlanuly, Hryhorii P. Parkhomenko, Mykhailo V. Solovan, Andrii I. Mostovyi, Aliya K. Nurmukhanbetova, Alexander V. Kireyev, Igor V. Danko, Pavel A. Oreshkin, Timur K. Zholdybayev, Daniyar M. Janseitov, Tlekkabul S. Ramazanov, and Viktor V. Brus, Electron Irradiation-Induced Degradation of TiN Thin Films on Quartz and Sapphire Substrates, ACS Omega 9, 1, 925–933 (2024) (Q2)
Tilek Zhumabek, Mikhail Denissenya, Eric V. Linder, Model independent dark matter properties from cosmic growth, JCAP 2402, 018 (2024); doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2024/02/018 (Q2)
He, Y.X., Liu, H.L., Tang, X.D., Qin, S.L., Zhou, J.J., Esimbek, J., Pan, S.R., Li, D.L., Zhao, M.K., Ji, W.G. and Komesh, T., Investigating the Globally Collapsing Hub–Filament Cloud G326. 611+ 0.811. The Astrophysical Journal, 957(2), p.61. (2023) (Q1)
Ma, Y., Zhou, J., Esimbek, J., Baan, W., Li, D., Tang, X., He, Y., Ji, W., Zhou, D., Wu, G. Tursun, K. and Komesh, T., Gravitational collapse and accretion flows in the hub filament system G323. 46-0.08. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 676, p.A15. (2023) (Q1)
A. Lau, N. Shaimoldin, Z. Maksut, B. Grossan, et. al., Initial On-Sky Performance Testing of the Single-Photon Imager for Nanosecond Astrophysics (SPINA) system, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurements, October 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3324342 (Q1).
Nora Schopp, Ernazar Abdikamalov, Andrii I. Mostovyi, Hryhorii P. Parkhomenko, Mykhailo M. Solovan, Ernest A. Asare2, Guillermo C. Bazan, Thuc‐Quyen Nguyen, George F. Smoot, & Viktor V. Brus, Interstellar Photovoltaics, Scientific Reports, 13:16144. DOI: (2023) (Q1)
Tilek Zhumabek, Mikhail Denissenya, Eric V. Linder, Connecting Primordial Gravitational Waves and Dark Energy, JCAP 09,013, arXiv:2306.03154 (2023) (Q2)
Shukirgaliyev, B., Berczik, P., Otebay, A., Kalambay, M., Kamlah, A., Tleukhanov, Y., Abdikamalov, E., Banerjee, S., & Just, A. Evolution of open clusters with or without black holes, Submitted to MNRAS arXiv:2304.12291 (2023)
E. V. Linder, Benchmarks of Dark Energy, arXiv:2304.04803 (2023)
Evgenii Ievlev, Michael R. R. Good, Eric V. Linder, IR-finite thermal acceleration radiation, Annals of Physics, 461, 169593,, arXiv:2304.04412 (2024) (Q1)
Komesh, T., Grossan, B., Maksut, Z., Abdikamalov, E., Krugov, M. and Smoot, G.F., 2023. Evolution of the afterglow optical spectral shape of GRB 201015A in the first hour: evidence for dust destruction. MNRAS, 520, 6104 (2023), arXiv:2211.03029. (Q1)
Buellet A.-C., Guilet, J., Foglizzo, T., Abdikamalov, E., Effect of stellar rotation on the development of post-shock instabilities during core-collapse supernovae, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 674, A205 (2023), arXiv:2301.01962 (Q1)
Sobolenko, M., Kompaniiets, O., Berczik, P., Marchenko, V., Vasylenko, A., Fedorova, E., & Shukirgaliyev, B. NGC 6240 supermassive black hole binary dynamical evolution based on Chandra data, MNRAS, Vol 517, Issue 2 (2022) (Q1)
Y. Yerlanuly, R. Ye Zhumadilov, I. V. Danko, D. M. Janseitov, R. R. Nemkayeva, A. V. Kireyev, A. B. Arystan, G. Akhtanova, J. Vollbrecht, N. Schopp, A. Nurmukhanbetova, T. S. Ramazanov, A. N. Jumabekov, P. A. Oreshkin, T. K. Zholdybayev, M. T. Gabdullin, V. V. Brus, Effect of Electron and Proton Irradiation on Structural and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanowalls, ACS Omega (2022) (Q2)
Divij Sharma, Thomas E. Collett, Eric V. Linder, Testing Cosmology with Double Source Lensing, JCAP 04, 001 arXiv:2212.00055 (2022) (Q1)
E. V. Linder, Cosmic Acceleration with and without Limits, arXiv:2211.00542 (2022)
Grossan, B., Maksut, Z., Komesh, T. and Krugov, M., August. Performance of the NUTTelA-TAO instrument system after two years of operation. In Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Vol. 12184, pp. 2678-2685. SPIE (2022).
Mitra A., Shukirgaliyev B., Abylkairov S., Abdikamalov E., Exploring Supernova Gravitational Waves with Machine Learning, MNRAS, 520, 2473 (2023) (Q1).
M. Denissenya, E. V. Linder, Constraining Scale Dependent Growth with Redshift Surveys, JCAP 11, 029, arXiv:2208.10508 (2022) (Q2)
D. Fernández-Silvestre, M. R. R. Good, E. V. Linder, Upon the Horizon’s Verge: Thermal Particle Creation Between and Approaching Horizons, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol 39, 23,arXiv:2208.01992 (2022) (Q1)
E. V. Linder, Isogrowth Cosmology (and How to Map the Universe), arXiv:2204.09071 (2022)
M. R. Anderson, V. Basu, R. D. Martin, C. Z. Reed, N. J. Rowe, M. Shafiee, T. Ye, Performance of a convolutional autoencoder designed to remove electronic noise from p-type point contact germanium detector signals, Eur. Phys. J. C 82, 1084, arXiv:2204.06655 (2022) (Q1)
E. Abdikamalov, G. Pagliaroli, D. Radice, Gravitational Waves from Core-Collapse Supernovae, (eds) Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy. Springer, Singapore, pp 1-37 (2022)
D. Sharma, E. V. Linder, Double Source Lensing Probing High Redshift Cosmology, JCAP 2207, 033, arXiv:2204.03020 (2022) (Q2)
M. Denissenya, E. V. Linder, Deep Learning Unresolved Lensed Lightcurves, MNRAS, Vol 515, Issue 1, September 2022, arXiv:2202.11903 (2022) (Q1)
V. Z. Goldberg, A. K. Nurmukhanbetova, A. Volya, D. K. Nauruzbayev, G. V. Rogachev, α-cluster structure in 19F and 19Ne in resonant scattering, Phys. Rev. C 105, 014615 (2022) (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, Well Tempered Cosmology: Scales, arXiv:2201.02211 (2021)
Komesh, T., Omar, A., Garay, G., Assembay, Z., Alimgazinova, N., Zhumabay, N. and Kyzgarina, M., ALMA observations of the environments of G333. 0162+ 00.7615. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 17(S373), pp.35-38. (2021)
Tair Askar, Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev, Martin Lukac, Ernazar Abdikamalov, Evaluation of Pseudo-Random Number Generation on GPU Cards, Computation 2021, 9, 142 (2021) (Q2)
Michael R.R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Quantum power: a Lorentz invariant approach to Hawking radiation, Eur. Phys. J. C 82, 204, arXiv:2111.15148 (2021) (Q1)
Maksut Z., Grossan B. Automating the alert response of the NU Transient Telescope at Assy-Turgen Astrophysical Observatory (NUTTELA-TAO). Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica Serie de Conferencias 53:169-173 (2021)
Satadru Bag, Arman Shafieloo, Rory Smith, Haeun Chung, Eric V. Linder, Changbom Park, Y. Sultan Abylkairov, Khalykbek Yelshibekov, A novel approach for calculating galaxy rotation curves using spaxel cross-correlation and iterative smoothing, MNRAS 514, 2278, arXiv: 2110.00486 (2021) (Q1)
M. Denissenya, S. Bag, A. G. Kim, E. V. Linder, A. Shafieloo, Out of One, Many: Distinguishing Time Delays from Lensed Supernovae, MNRAS, Vol 511, Issue 1, March 2022, arXiv: 2109.13282 (2021) (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, Logarithmic Extensions to Inflation Universality Classes, arXiv:2110.07622 (2021)
Eric V. Linder, Gravitational Wave Distances in Horndeski Cosmology, arXiv:2108.11526 (2021)
Michael R.R. Good, Eric V Linder, Frank Wilczek, Finite thermal particle creation of Casimir light, Modern Physics Letters A 35, 2040006 (2020), arXiv:2108.11188 (2021) (Q2)
Albert Wai Kit Lau, Yan Yan Chan, Mehdi Shafiee, George F. Smoot, Bruce Grossan, SiPM photon counting readout system for Ultra-Fast Astronomy, The Open Journal of Astrophysics, vol. 5, issue 1, id. 4, arXiv:2108.07526 (2021)
Michael R.R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Möbius Mirrors, Class. Quantum Grav. 39 105003 (2021), arXiv:2108.07451 (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, A Sparse Spectroscopic Supernova Survey, arXiv:2107.02187 (2021)
Jose M. Diego, Tom Broadhurst, George Smoot, Evidence for lensing of gravitational waves from LIGO-Virgo, Phys. Rev. D 104, 103529, arXiv: 2106.06545 (2021) (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, The Rise of Dark Energy, arXiv:2106.09581 (2021)
B. Shukirgaliyev, A. Otebay, M. Sobolenko, M. Ishchenko, O. Borodina, T. Panamarev, S. Myrzakul, M. Kalambay, A. Naurzbayeva, E. Abdikamalov, E. Polyachenko, S. Banerjee, P. Berczik, R. Spurzem, A. Just, The bound mass of Dehnen models with centrally peaked star formation efficiency, Astronomy&Astrophysics, Vol 654, A53, arXiv:2105.09510 (2021) (Q1)
M. Shafiee, D. Fedorov, B. Grossan, V. Kizheppatt, G. Smoot, A Readout System for Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors Using Defined Radios, accepted to Journal of Instrumentation for publication, JINST 16 P07015 (2021) (Q2)
Eric V. Linder, What is the Standard Cosmological Model? arXiv:2105.02903 (2021)
Eric V. Linder, Horndessence: ΛCDM Cosmology from Modified Gravity, arXiv:2104.14560 (2021)
A. Volya, V. Z. Goldberg, A. K. Nurmukhanbetova, D. K. Nauruzbayev, G. V. Rogachev, The Lowest Broad α-cluster Resonances in 19F, Phys. Rev. C 105, 014614, arXiv:2104.13987 (2021) (Q1)
M. Denissenya, B. Grossan, E. V. Linder, Distinguishing Time Clustering of Astrophysical Bursts, Phys. Rev. D 104, 023007, arXiv:2103.10618 (2021) (Q1)
Michael R.R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Light and Airy: a simple solution for relativistic quantum acceleration radiation, Universe 7, no. 3: 60, arXiv:2101.10576 (2021) (Q1)
M. Denissenya, E. V. Linder, Ultra Fast Astronomy: Optimized Detection of Multimessenger Transients, The Open Journal of Astrophysics Vol. 4, arXiv:2101.02714 (2021)
E. Abdikamalov, T. Foglizzo, O. Mukazhanov, Impact of rotation on the evolution of convective vortices in collapsing stars, MNRAS, Vol 503, Issue 3, arXiv:2012.06710 (2021) (Q1)
B. Grossan, Z. Maksut, 2020, Performance of the BSTI instrument on the NUTTelA-TAO telescope for high time-resolution, simultaneous three-channel imaging of prompt gamma-ray burst optical emission, Proc. SPIE 11447, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, 114479I, SPIE link
Y. Sultan Abylkairov, Omar Darwish, J. Colin Hill, Blake D. Sherwin, Partially Constrained Internal Linear Combination: a method for low-noise CMB foreground mitigation, Phys. Rev. D 103, 103510 (2021), arXiv:2012.04032 (Q1)
Stephen Appleby and Eric V. Linder, An Expansion of Well Tempered Gravity, JCAP 2103, 074 (2021), arXiv:2012.03965 (Q2)
Ayan Mitra, Eric V. Linder, Cosmology Requirements on Supernova Photometric Redshift Systematics for Rubin LSST and Roman Space Telescope, Phys. Rev. D 103, 023524 (2020), arXiv:2011.08206 (Q1)
Mukul Bhattacharya, Pawan Kumar, Eric V. Linder, Fast Radio Burst Dispersion Measure Distribution as a Probe of Helium Reionization, Phys. Rev. D 103, 103526, arXiv:2010.14530 (2020) (Q1)
Satadru Bag, Alex G. Kim, Eric V. Linder, Arman Shafieloo, Be It Unresolved: Measuring Time Delays from Lensed Supernovae, ApJ 910, 65 (2021), arXiv:2010.03774 (Q1)
Stephen Appleby and Eric V. Linder, The Well-Tempered Cosmological Constant: Fugue in B flat, JCAP12, 037 (2020), arXiv:2009.01723 (Q2)
Stephen Appleby and Eric V. Linder, The Well-Tempered Cosmological Constant: The Horndeski Variations, JCAP12, 036 (2020), arXiv:2009.01720 (Q2)
V. Z. Goldberg, E. M. Gazeeva, M. S. Golovkov, A. A. Bezbakh, D. K. Nauruzbayev, A. K. Nurmukhanbetova, Zh. Kurmanaliyev, A. Serikov, B. Zalewski, and G. V. Rogachev, Thick target inverse kinematics approach for neutron emission, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 032036(R) (2020) (Q1)
Alina, D., Montillaud, J., Hu, Y., Lazarian, A., Ristorcelli, I., Abdikamalov, E., Sagynbayeva, S., Juvela, M., Liu, T., Carrière, J. -S., Large-scale magnetic field in the Monoceros OB-1 East molecular cloud, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 658, A90, arXiv:2007.15344 (2020) (Q1)
Bruce Grossan, Periodic Windowed Behavior in SGR1935+2154 SGR Bursts, PASP 133 074202 (2021), arXiv: 2006.16480 (Q1)
Eleonora Di Valentino, Eric V. Linder, Alessandro Melchiorri, H0 Ex Machina: Vacuum Metamorphosis and Beyond H0, Physics of the Dark Universe, Vol 30, 100733 (2020), arXiv: 2006.16291 (Q1)
Albert Wai Kit Lau, Ayan Mitra, Mehdi Shafiee, George Smoot, Constraining HeII Reionization Detection Uncertainties via Fast Radio Bursts, New Astronomy, 101627 (2021), arXiv: 2006.11072 (Q2)
Wan Cong, Chen Qian, Michael R.R. Good, Robert B. Mann, Effects of Horizons on Entanglement Harvesting, JHEP 2010, 067 (2020), arXiv:2006.01720 (Q2)
Michael R.R. Good, Joshua Foo, Eric V. Linder, Accelerating boundary analog of a Kerr black hole, Class. Quantum Grav. 38 085011 (2021), arXiv:2006.01349 (Q1)
Daniela Paoletti, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Fabio Finelli, George F. Smoot, Extended reionization in models beyond ΛCDM with Planck 2018 data, JCAP, 10, 042 (2020), arXiv:2005.12222 (Q2)
Michael R.R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Mirror at the Edge of the Universe: Reflections on an Accelerated Boundary Correspondence with de Sitter Cosmology, Phys. Rev. D 102, 045020, (2020), arXiv:2005.03850 (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, Limited Modified Gravity, JCAP, 10, 042 (2020), arXiv:2003.10453 (Q2)
Michael R.R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Schwarzschild Metric with Planck Length, New J. Phys. 23 043007, arXiv:2003.01333 (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, Detecting Helium Reionization with Fast Radio Bursts, Physical Review D 101, 103019, arXiv:2001.11517 (2020). (Q1)
Panamarev, T., Otebay, A., Shukirgaliyev, B., Kalambay, M., Just, A., Spurzem, R., Berczik, P., Omarov, Ch. Population of Double White Dwarfs in the Galactic Center, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Series Physico-Mathematical (2020) Vol 3, Issue 331, P. 15-20. doi:10.32014/2020.2518-1726.31
Liao, Kai, Arman Shafieloo, Ryan E. Keeley, and Eric V. Linder, Determining H_0 Model-Independently and Consistency Tests, ApJL 895 L29 (2020), arXiv:2002.10605 (Q1)
Albert Wai Kit Lau, Mehdi Shafiee, George Smoot, Bruce Grossan, Siyang Li, and Zhanat Maksut, On-sky SiPM Performance Measurements for Millisecond toSub-Microsecond Optical Source Variability Studies, JATIS 6(4), 046002 (2020), arXiv:2002.00147 (Q2)
Guilherme Brando, Eric V. Linder, Exploring Early and Late Cosmology with Next Generation Surveys, Physical Review D 101, 103510 (2020), arXiv:2001.07738v1 (Q1)
Alex G. Kim, Eric V. Linder, Complementarity of Peculiar Velocity Surveys and Redshift Space Distortions for Testing Gravity, Physical Review D 101, 023516 (2020), arXiv:1911.09121 (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, Pole Dark Energy, Physical Review D 101, 023506 (2020), arXiv:1911.01606 (Q1)
Mehdi Shafiee, Bruce Grossan, Jie Hu, Ivan Colantoni, George Smoot, Design optimization of a 10 kilopixel optical band Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector, Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 14, 2019 (Q2)
Siyang Li, George F. Smoot, Bruce Grossan, Albert Wai Kit Lau, Marzhan Bekbalanova, Mehdi Shafiee, Thorsten Stezelberger, Program objectives and Specifications for ultra- fast astronomy observatory, Proc. SPIE 11341, Space Optics, Telescopes, and Instrumentation (2019), arXiv: 1908.1054.
Marzhan Bekbalanova, Mehdi Shafiee, Vipin Kizheppatt, Zhaksylyk Kazykenov, Baurzhan Alzhanov, Bruce Grossan, George Smoot, Data Acquisition system for Microwave Kinetic Inductanec Detectors, Journal of Physics: conference Series 1182(1), 012006, 2019
Baurzhan Alzhanov, Mehdi Shafiee, Zhaksylyk Kazykenov, Marzhan Bekbalanova, Bruce Grossan, George Smoot, The Cryogenic detector for cosmology observation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 502(1),012060, 2019
Ayan Mitra, Arnab Paul, Barun Pal, Supratik Pal, Estimating weak lensing convergence correlation of Type-Ia supernovae from 5-year SNLS data by internal error estimate technique, arXiv: 1911.03474
Pawan Kumar, Eric Linder, Use of fast radio burst dispersion measures as distance measures, Phy. Rev. D100,083533, arXiv: 1903.08175 (Q1)
Bruce Grossan, Pawan Kumar, George F. Smoot, The Emission Mechanism of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Identification via Optical-IR Slope Measurements (NUTTellA-TAO/BSTI experiment paper), JHEA, Vol 23, pp.14-22,(2019), arXiv: 1909.02152 (Q1)
Michael R. R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Frank Wilczek, Remnant-free Moving Mirror Model for Black Hole Radiation Field, Phys. Rev. D 101, 025012 (2020), 1909.01129 (Q1)
Kai Liao, Arman Shafieloo, Ryan E. Keeley, Eric V. Linder, A model-independent determination of the Hubble constant from lensed quasars and supernovae using Gaussian process, ApJL 886 L23 (2019), (Q1)
Shukirgaliyev, B., Parmentier, G., Berczik, P., & Just, A. (2019). Star Clusters in the Galactic tidal field, from birth to dissolution. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14(S351), 507-511. doi:10.1017/S1743921319006781 arXiv:1907.12819
Eric Linder, Ayan Mitra, Photometric Supernovae Redshift Systematics Requirements, Physical Review D 100, 043542 (2019) (Q1)
B. Shukirgaliyev, A. Otebay, A. Just, P. Berczik, Ch. Omarov, A. Naurzbaeva, M. Kalambay. Violent relaxation in isolated star clusters. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Series Physico-Mathematical (2019), Vol 3 Issue 325, P. 130-139. doi: 10.32014/2019.2518-1726.32
Pritam Chattopadhyay, Ayan Mitra, & Goutam Paul, Probing Uncertainty Relations in Non-Commutative Space, Int J Theor Phys (2019) 58: 2619, arXiv:1712.07748
Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Daniela Paoletti, Fabio Finelli, and George F. Smoot, Joining bits and pieces of reionization history, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 071301, arXiv:1904.01547 (2019) (Q1)
Tom Broadhurst, Jose M. Diego, and George F. Smoot III, Twin LIGO/Virgo Detections of a Viable Gravitationally-Lensed Black Hole Merger, arXiv:1901.03190 (2019).
Brando, Guilherme, Felipe T. Falciano, Eric V. Linder, and Hermano ES Velten. Modified Gravity Away from a LCDM Background, JCAP, 11, 018 (2019), arXiv:1904.12903 (Q2)
Ryan E. Keeley, Arman Shafieloo, Benjamin L’Huillier, and Eric V. Linder. “Debiasing Cosmic Gravitational Wave Sirens.” MNRAS, Vol 491, Issue 3, January 2019, arXiv:1905.10216 (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, Developments in Cosmic Growth and Gravitation, AAPPSBL Vol. 29 No.2 (2019), arXiv:1904.10544
Alex G. Kim, Eric V. Linder, Complementarity of Peculiar Velocity Surveys and Redshift Space Distortions for Testing Gravity, Phys. Rev. D 101, 023516 (2020), arXiv:1911.09121 (Q1)
Pawan Kumar and Eric V. Linder, On the Use of Fast Radio Burst Dispersion Measures as Distance Measures, Phys. Rev. D 100, 083533 (2019), arXiv:1903.08175 (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, No Run Gravity, JCAP07, 034 (2019), arXiv:1903.02010 (Q2)
Arman Shafieloo, Ryan E. Keeley, Eric V. Linder, Will Gravitational Wave Sirens Determine the Hubble Constant? JCAP03, 019 (2020), arXiv:1812.07775 (Q2)
Benjamin L’Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, Eric V. Linder, Alex G. Kim, Model Independent Expansion History from Supernovae: Deviation from ΛCDM? – MNRAS, Vol 485, Issue 2 (2019), arXiv:1812.03623 (Q1)
Micah Brush, Eric V. Linder, Miguel Zumalacárregui, No Slip CMB, JCAP01, 029 (2019), arXiv:1810.12337 (Q2)
Eric V. Linder, David Polarski, The End of Cosmic Growth, Phys. Rev. D 99, 023503 (2019), arXiv:1810.10547 (Q1)
Mikhail Denissenya, Eric V. Linder, Gravity’s Islands: Parametrizing Horndeski Stability, JCAP11, 010 (2018), arXiv:1808.00013 (Q2)
Michael R.R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Finite Energy but Infinite Entropy Production from Moving Mirrors, Phys. Rev. D 99, 025009 (2019), arXiv:1807.08632 (Q1)
David Pooley, Pawan Kumar, J. Craig Wheeler, and Bruce Grossan, GW170817 Most Likely Made a Black Hole, ApJL 859 L23 (2018), arXiv:1712.03240 (Q1)
Hazra, Dhiraj Kumar, Daniela Paoletti, Fabio Finelli, and George F. Smoot, Reionization in the dark and the light from Cosmic Microwave Background, JCAP 09, 016 (2018), arXiv:1807.05435 (Q2)
Stephen Appleby and Eric V. Linder, The Well-Tempered Cosmological Constant, JCAP07, 034 (2018), arXiv:1805.00470 (Q2)
Carlos Garcia-Garcia, Eric V. Linder, Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente, Miguel Zumalacaregui, Dark Energy from α-attractors: Phenomenology and Observational Constraints, JCAP08, 022 (2018), arXiv:1803.00661 (Q2)
Tom Broadhurst, Jose M. Diego, George Smoot III, Reinterpreting Low Frequency LIGO/Virgo Events as Magnified Stellar-Mass Black Holes at Cosmological Distances, arXiv:1802.05273
Mikhail Denissenya, Eric V. Linder, Arman Shafieloo, Cosmic Curvature Tested Directly from Observations, JCAP03, 041 (2018), arXiv:1802.04816 (Q2)
Eric V. Linder, No Slip Gravity, JCAP03, 005 (2018), arXiv:1801.01503 (Q2)
Michael R.R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Eternal and Evanescent Black Holes: It’s All Done With Mirrors, Phys. Rev. D 97, 065006 (2018), arXiv:1711.09922 (Q1)
Eleonora Di Valentino, Eric Linder, Alessandro Melchiorri, A Vacuum Phase Transition Solves H0 Tension, Phys. Rev. D 97, 043528 (2018), arXiv:1710.02153 (Q1)
Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Daniela Paoletti, Mario Ballardini, Fabio Finelli, Arman Shafieloo, George F. Smoot, Alexei A. Starobinsky, Probing features in inflaton potential and reionization history with future CMB space observations, JCAP02, 017 (2018), arXiv:1710.01205 (Q2)
Mikhail Denissenya, Eric V. Linder, Subpercent Accurate Fitting of Modified Gravity Growth, JCAP 1711, 052 (2017), arXiv:1709.08709 (Q2)
Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, George F. Smoot, Witnessing the reionization history using Cosmic Microwave Background observation from Planck, JCAP11, 028 (2017), arXiv:1708.04913 (Q2)
Michael R. R. Good, Eric V. Linder, Slicing the Vacuum: New Accelerating Mirror Solutions of the Dynamical Casimir Effect – Phys. Rev. D 96, 125010 (2017), arXiv:1707.03670 (Q1)
Scott F. Daniel, Eric V. Linder, Accelerated Parameter Estimation with DALEχ, arXiv:1705.02007
Eleonora Di Valentino, Alessandro Melchiorri, Eric V. Linder, Joseph Silk, Сonstraining Dark Energy Dynamics in Extended Parameter Space, Phys. Rev. D 96, 023523 (2017), arXiv:1704.00762 (Q1)
Mikhail Denissenya and Eric V. Linder, Cosmic Growth Signatures of Modified Gravitational Strength, JCAP 1706, 030 (2017), arXiv:1703.00917
Eric V. Linder, Λ is Coming: Parametrizing Freezing Fields, Astropart. Phys. 91, 11 (2017), arXiv:1701.01445 (Q1)
Eva-Maria Mueller, Will Percival, Eric Linder, Shadab Alam, Gong-Bo Zhao, Ariel G. Sánchez, Florian Beutler, The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: constraining modified gravity, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 2122 (2018), arXiv:1612.00812 (Q1)
Eric V. Linder, Cosmic growth and expansion conjoined, Astropart. Phys. 86, (2017), Pages 41-45, arXiv:1610.05321 (Q1)
B. Grossan, M. Kistaubayev, G. Smoot, & L. Scherr, Measurement of the Shape of the Optical-IR Spectrum of Prompt Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts – 2017, BAAS, 230, 314.06
and GCN reports.